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Natural and Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Design

Imagine a world where both human creativity and smart machines come together to make amazing designs.

Humans have always been at the heart of design, using their skills to make everything from cool gadgets to big buildings. But recently, something exciting has happened—computers, or what we call artificial intelligence (AI), have started to help out.

These smart machines can do things really fast and come up with ideas that no one has thought of before.

In this article, we’re going to explore how human smarts and machine smarts work together in the world of design. We’ll see how natural and artificial intelligence in Architectural design relate with each other.

From the creative ideas that people come up with to the super-detailed work that computers do, this partnership is changing the way things are designed and imagined.

First lets delve into a practical example;

3D image of Cathedral Church of Christ Lagos
Image created by Akinwale Arokodare using 3D studio Max

The image above was created without Artificial Intelligence. Using a couple of software; 3D studio Max, Vray, and Photoshop, every pixel of this design was created from a snapshot of the Architect’s imagination. This is an example of Natural Intelligence (NI)

The image is a re-imagined design of the popular Cathedral Church of Christ building located in Lagos Nigeria. 

Now lets take a look at a real life photo of the Cathedral Church of Christ (CCC) building;

photo of Cathedral Church of Christ  taken by Akinwale Arokodare
Photo of the Cathedral Church of Christ taken by Akinwale Arokodare

The Cathedral Church of Christ (CCC) Marina is the oldest Anglican cathedral founded in 1867, the cathedral has witnessed significant moments in Nigeria's history.

Its Gothic architecture, combined with modern elements, creates a serene and inspiring atmosphere. Inside, visitors are greeted by intricate stained glass windows, a grand organ, and a sense of peace and tranquillity.

Now keep the photo of the image of this building in your mind while you read this article.


Understanding Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Before we dive into how humans and computers are teaming up in design, let’s talk about what natural intelligence (NI) and artificial intelligence (AI) really mean.

Natural Intelligence: This is just a fancy way of saying the smarts that people have naturally. It’s all about how humans think, learn, solve problems, and make cool stuff. People use their natural intelligence to understand colors, shapes, and what makes something look good or work well.

Artificial Intelligence: Now, artificial intelligence might sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but it’s actually all around us! AI is a type of computer smarts that helps machines think and learn on their own. It’s what allows computers to suggest that next song on your playlist or help design a trendy t-shirt. AI can look at lots of information quickly and see patterns that people might miss.

How Are They Different? The main difference is how they learn and create. People learn over time from their experiences and emotions, which helps them make unique and creative choices. AI, on the other hand, learns from loads of data and rules given to it by people. It’s great at handling tasks that involve lots of information or need quick decisions, but it doesn’t really 'feel' anything.

By understanding both types of intelligence, we can start to see how they each bring something special to the table when it comes to design. Let's keep going to see how these two forms of smarts are helping designers do amazing things!


Practical Use of AI in Design

Before we go into details of this article, lets go through a practical use of AI in building design by re-imagining the Cathedral Church of Christ (CCC) building, a popular landmark in Lagos state Nigeria.

This is a chat between me and ChatGPT Plus , an AI chatbot with multi model capabilities such as image generation.


Hello ChatGPT, I want you to re-imaging the Cathedral Church of Christ building in Lagos. I want you to create a realistic image of a building that compliments the architectural style and character of the Cathedral Church of Christ building in a more modern and contemporary form. The image should be of wide aspect ratio, and of high image quality. Let me see the concept designs you come up with.


Cathedral church of Christ generated by ChatGPT Dall-E
image 1 generated by ChatGPT Dall-E

Akinwale:       This looks nice. Can you generate another using a modern architectural style.


Cathedral Church of Christ generated by ChatGPT Dall-E
image 2 generated by ChatGPT Dall-E

Akinwale:       Generate another using a different architectural style


Cathedral Church of Christ generated by ChatGPT Dall-E
image 3 generated by ChatGPT Dall-E

Akinwale:       Hello ChatGPT, could you tell me a bit about these 3 images you generated.



Image 1 Modern and Contemporary Gothic: Integrates traditional Gothic elements like pointed arches with modern materials and green building concepts, fitting seamlessly into an urban landscape while maintaining architectural heritage.

Image 2 Ultra-Modern and Sustainable: Features angular forms and transparent materials, emphasizing sustainability with green roofs and natural integration, underlined by a sunset that enhances its modern aesthetics.

Image 3 Neo-Classical and Futuristic: Combines classical elements like sculptured columns with modern materials such as smart glass, showcasing historical grandeur and contemporary innovation.



In the example above, compare the concept designs created by ChatGPT (AI) with the image created by the Architect using Natural Intelligence (NI). Notice how all images are distinct, have peculiar styles, and Architectural characters.


The Influence of Natural Intelligence on Design

When we talk about design, whether it's making a cool new sneaker or planning a park, natural intelligence plays a big role. Let’s see how humans use their natural smarts to make designs that are not only useful but also awesome to look at.

Creativity and Intuition: 

People are really good at coming up with new ideas. A designer might wake up one day with a fantastic idea for a new kind of skateboard just because they felt inspired by something they saw or dreamed about. This kind of creativity comes from the human ability to connect different ideas in new ways, something that machines are still learning to do.

Understanding Beauty and Function:

Humans also have a natural sense for what looks good and what doesn’t. When a designer is working on a new chair, they think about more than just whether it will hold someone up. They consider how it will look in your room, how it feels to sit in, and even how it makes you feel. This deep understanding of beauty and functionality is something that comes naturally to humans.

Empathy and User Experience:

Another superpower that people have is empathy—being able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Designers use this to think about how someone will use and enjoy their creations. For example, when designing a playground, they think about what kids love, like slides and swings, and what parents need, like safety and benches to sit on. This ability to think about others’ feelings and needs helps make designs that everyone loves.

By using their natural intelligence, designers can make sure that everything they create isn’t just useful but also enjoyable and beautiful. This human touch is what makes design so special and hard for computers to match.


Role of Artificial Intelligence in Design

Now let’s explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way things are designed today. While humans bring creativity and intuition, AI brings amazing speed and the ability to handle tons of information all at once.

Tools and Technologies: 

AI uses some pretty cool tools to help designers. For example, there are programs such as BIM (Building Information Modelling) tools that can help design complex things like cars or even buildings much faster than a human alone could. These tools can simulate how strong a bridge needs to be or how aerodynamic a new car is, which saves a lot of time and effort.

Enhancing Creativity and Efficiency: 

You might wonder, can a computer really be creative? Well, AI can actually suggest new design options by mixing up different ideas in ways we might not think of. This can inspire designers to explore new possibilities they hadn't considered before.

Also, AI is super fast at sorting through ideas to find the best one, which makes the whole design process more efficient. Example of such image generation tools are Leonardo AI, Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT Dall-E, and Meta AI.

Personalization at Scale: 

One of the coolest things about AI in design is how it can make things super personalized. For example, look at the images created by ChatGPT in the example at the beginning of this article, you will notice how AI helps refine the images based on my prompts. And the awesome thing about AI is that there is no maximum to the possibilities AI can create.

Predictive Design: 

AI is also great at predicting what might be popular in the future by looking at trends and patterns. This helps companies create products that are likely to be hits even before they're officially trendy.

As you can see, AI doesn’t replace human designers but supports them in many ways. It takes care of the repetitive or complex tasks so that designers can focus more on being creative and coming up with big ideas.


Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While the collaboration between natural and artificial intelligence in design offers many benefits, it also brings up some challenges and ethical questions. Let’s look at some of the key issues that designers and society need to think about.

Limitations of AI: 

Even though AI can do a lot, it’s not perfect. For example, AI might not fully understand why a certain design makes people feel a certain way, like why a cozy room makes us feel safe. These subtleties, which are often connected to human emotions and cultural contexts, can be difficult for AI to grasp. This means that while AI can suggest designs, humans still need to make the final call on what works best emotionally and culturally.

Job Security: 

As AI tools become more common in design, some people worry about job security. Will AI replace designers? While AI can take over some tasks, like drafting technical blueprints, it’s not likely to replace the creative and emotional aspects of design that only humans can handle. The challenge is to ensure that AI serves as a tool to enhance creativity, not as a replacement for human designers.

Ethical Use of AI: 

There are also important ethical questions about how AI is used in design. For instance, if AI designs something that fails or causes harm, who is responsible—the AI developer, the designer, or the company using the AI? Also, as AI gets better at predicting and shaping consumer preferences, we need to make sure it's not used to manipulate people unfairly.

Data Privacy: 

AI in design often uses a lot of data about people’s preferences, styles, and behaviors. It’s important to make sure this data is used responsibly and that people’s privacy is protected. Designers and companies need to be transparent about what data they collect and how they use it to build trust with their users.

By addressing these challenges and making thoughtful choices about how to use AI, designers can ensure that this technology helps make the design world better and more ethical for everyone involved.


Synergy Between Natural and Artificial Intelligence in Design

Now that we understand what both natural and artificial intelligence bring to the table, let’s see how they work together to make even better designs. This teamwork between human creativity and machine efficiency is like having the best of both worlds!

Collaborative Processes:

Designers and AI systems can work together in really cool ways. For example, a designer might sketch out an idea for a new piece of furniture, and then use AI to test different materials and shapes to see what works best. The AI can quickly go through lots of options and give feedback, which helps the designer make the final product even better.

Enhanced Problem-Solving:

Sometimes, designers face tough challenges, like creating something totally new or figuring out how to make something at a lower cost. AI can help by offering solutions that might not be obvious to human designers. For instance, AI might suggest a new way to fold metal that makes a chair stronger and uses less material. This kind of problem-solving makes designing more innovative and efficient.

Learning from Each Other:

Perhaps the most exciting part is that both humans and AI can learn from each other. As designers use AI tools, they get better at understanding what AI can do, which makes them even more skilled at their jobs. Meanwhile, AI systems learn from the choices and preferences of human designers, which makes them smarter and more helpful over time.

This partnership between natural and artificial intelligence doesn’t just make designing things easier—it pushes the boundaries of what’s possible, leading to more innovative and personalized designs that were hard to imagine before.

Looking ahead, the future of design is bright with possibilities. As AI technology continues to evolve and as designers grow more adept at harnessing its capabilities, we can expect even more remarkable synergies between human and machine intelligence. This partnership promises not only to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of designs but also to create a more inclusive and thoughtful approach to how we shape our world.

So, with AI fast integrating into the various creative industries, I would end this article with a phrase from my boss;

“Everything has changed. Nothing has changed.”


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