The secret room in Hope's End Orphanage felt like a completely different world from the rest of the building. Its shelves overflowed with dusty old books, papers scattered everywhere, and the air smelled like ancient paper and mystery.
Leo and I had spent hours looking around the room, flipping through the pages of the black journal we found. The journal's cover was thick and worn, and the pages inside were crammed with strange notes, drawings, and diagrams. Every time we turned a page, we uncovered something new and curious.
"This is so weird," Leo said, his eyes wide as he scanned one of the pages. "Look, it talks about something called 'archetypes.'"
He pointed to a list with the names of different roles—Architect, Gardener, Seeker, and more—all with symbols next to them. "I think these archetypes are important, Ivy," he whispered, flipping through more pages. "But I don't really understand it yet."
I leaned over his shoulder, trying to make sense of the squiggly handwriting. My eyes darted from the journal to the odd objects around the room, each covered in a thick layer of dust. "This place feels like it's hiding so many secrets," I murmured, my fingers brushing against a globe with countries I'd never heard of.
Leo nodded thoughtfully, carefully closing the journal. "We'll have to read more about these archetypes later."
I sighed, looking around at the shelves lined with ancient artifacts, maps, and diagrams. It all felt heavy, like a big puzzle we had to solve. "It's like this room knows something about the adults disappearing, but it's keeping all the answers hidden from us."
Leo stuffed the journal into his backpack, his face serious. "Maybe we should show this to Cass. We need her help figuring this out."
With one last glance at the secret room, I nodded. "Yeah, let's go."
We made our way up the stairs and back into the familiar halls of the orphanage. The secret room stayed in the back of my mind, a place holding the keys to so many questions. I couldn't help but think about the strange words in the journal and the eerie drawings of the archetypes. What did it all mean?
But I knew one thing for sure: we couldn't solve this mystery alone.
After we left the secret room, Leo and I couldn’t stop talking about what we found there. Our minds were full of questions about the black journal and the mysterious archetypes, but Leo still seemed troubled.
That night, while I was drifting off to sleep, Leo suddenly called out from his bed. “Ivy, I had a weird dream.”
I sat up, rubbing my eyes. “What kind of dream?”
“I dreamed about a lion,” he said, his voice low and confused. “It made me think of the zoo and the animals trapped in their cages. They must be so hungry and scared.”
I could see the concern etched on his face even in the dim light. “You’re right, Leo. We should go to the zoo and check on them.”
Leo nodded. “Let’s do it. But we should be careful. We don’t know what it’s like there.”
The next morning after breakfast, we started making plans to visit the zoo. We told a few of the kids about our idea, and Alexander and Lucy, excited by the adventure, wanted to come with us.
Some other kids did too, their eyes shining with curiosity.
I gave them a reassuring smile but shook my head. “We promise to take you to the zoo another time, but this trip might be dangerous. We need to make sure it’s safe first.”
The kids looked disappointed but understood, and they went back to their games.
“Before we go, we should tell Cass about the secret room and what we found,” Leo suggested.
We found Cass in the common room, helping the younger kids get organized. “Hey, Cass, can we talk to you?” I called out.
Cass walked over with a curious look on her face. “What’s going on?”
“Leo and I found a secret room in the orphanage with a black journal full of strange notes and drawings about ‘archetypes.’ We wanted to show it to you.”
“And we’re planning to visit the zoo later to check on the animals,” Leo added.
Cass’s eyebrows shot up. “A secret room? I never knew about that! Show me!”
We led her down to the hidden space, and her eyes grew wide as she stepped inside. “Wow, this is amazing.”
Leo pulled out the black journal, and Cass carefully flipped through its pages. “This is so strange,” she murmured, scanning the diagrams and scribbled notes. “I never knew about any of this.”
“That’s why we need to figure it out together,” Leo said, his voice determined.
Cass nodded. “We can do that, but first, let’s go to the zoo and see what’s happening there. You can tell me about what you found in the secret room on our way”
With Cass on board, we felt ready for the adventure ahead.
Leo and I packed up for the zoo trip, while Cass also got ready and gave some instructions to the other older kids that would remain in the orphanage.
Cass led us down the orphanage steps, and soon we were walking along the quiet streets of Veridian City. The buildings stood tall and empty around us, and every now and then we passed an abandoned car or two. We stayed close together as we made our way toward the zoo, with Cass up front, Leo just behind her, and me right beside Leo.
We chatted along the way, trying to shake off the eerie quiet of the streets.
“So what do you guys think the secret room is all about?” Cass asked.
I glanced at Leo before answering. “Well, the black journal mentioned these roles or ‘archetypes’ like Architect and Gardener. It seems like they’re important somehow, but it’s all pretty confusing.”
“Yeah,” Leo agreed. “There were some strange diagrams too, like maps and circles, but I couldn’t make sense of them.”
Cass thought for a moment, her forehead creased with concentration. “Do you think it has something to do with the adults disappearing?”
“It’s possible,” Leo said. “But we’ll need to read more of the journal and check the room to figure it out.”
The conversation soon shifted to the zoo and how strange it was to imagine all the animals locked up there without anyone to feed or care for them.
“Remember when we went to the zoo for that field trip?” I asked Cass. “You got so excited seeing the monkeys.”
Cass laughed, nodding. “I did! And you wouldn’t stop making monkey noises all the way back to the orphanage.”
Leo grinned. “Well, I hope we can get the animals fed today.”
As we walked on, I couldn’t help but reflect on Cass. She had always been a leader, even back at the orphanage when we were younger. She wasn’t bossy but knew how to handle tricky situations and keep the peace when things got rough. I trusted her completely.
I looked over at Leo. He was thoughtful and curious, always eager to learn and explore new ideas. Even now, I could see his mind buzzing with questions about the secret room and the archetypes.
“Hey, I read something in the black journal about eight types of archetypes,” Leo said suddenly. “I didn’t understand it all, but it sounds like they’re each supposed to be different kinds of people, leaders or heroes.”
“Different heroes?” Cass asked.
“Yeah,” Leo replied. “It’s like each one has a special role to play. I’m going to read more about it when we get back.”
Finally, after what seemed like forever, we saw the zoo’s gates up ahead. They were partly open, and the path inside was quiet. The three of us exchanged glances, knowing this was going to be unlike any trip to the zoo we’d had before.

Inside the zoo gates, everything felt quiet and still, as if the whole place was frozen in time. No people were around, and the animal enclosures looked lonely and forgotten. The three of us walked slowly along the path, scanning our surroundings. My footsteps crunched on the gravel, echoing through the empty space.
“Let’s see if we can find the lions first,” Cass suggested, her eyes scanning the map near the entrance.
Leo nodded, pointing to the path leading toward the lion enclosure. “It’s this way.”
We carefully made our way through the winding paths until we reached the big stone wall with a high fence around it. The lion’s den looked empty and quiet. But then, a faint rustling caught my attention.
“There,” I whispered, pointing to the far end of the den. A large lioness was curled up near the bushes, her ribs showing as she tried to stay calm in the lonely space. Nearby, a young cub lay beside her, both looking up at us with tired eyes.
“They look so hungry,” Leo said softly, clutching the fence. “We need to find them some food.”
We split up and headed toward the feeding station, where bags of meat and pellets were stored.
Cass grabbed a cart, and together we filled it with as much food as we could find. Once back at the lion’s den, we placed the meat through an opening in the fence, and the lioness cautiously approached.
“It’s okay,” Cass whispered gently. “We’re here to help.”
The lioness sniffed at the meat before nudging it toward the cub. Soon, they both began to eat eagerly, their eyes never leaving us.
“They’re so brave,” I said, watching them finish their meal.
As we fed the animals, I watched the lioness and her cub slowly chew their food, both of them so tired and scared. The sight made my heart ache. They had been all alone for days, with no one to care for them. How would they survive in this strange new world without adults to protect and feed them?
The three of us then made our way to the other enclosures. We found giraffes and elephants who also seemed scared and hungry. With each stop, we used the cart to deliver food and water until every animal had a little something to keep them going.
Watching Leo feed the zebras with careful hands made my heart ache with a mix of sadness and hope. Even though we couldn’t fix everything, we were making a difference.
“It’s the least we can do for now,” Leo said, brushing his hair from his face.
I nodded, still feeling worried. Would we be able to keep them fed and safe? The zoo was so big, and the animals couldn’t leave their enclosures. I knew it would be up to us and the other kids to keep coming back and taking care of them. I wanted to make sure these animals, who had already been through so much, wouldn’t have to struggle alone anymore.
“It won’t be easy,” Leo added, his voice full of determination. “But we’re in this together.”
With one last look at the lioness and her cub, we left the zoo and made our way back to the orphanage.
When we finally arrived back at Hope’s End Orphanage, the sun had already set, leaving the building lit by the soft glow of the lights inside. As we entered the gates, I could hear laughter and the familiar sound of kids playing.
I smiled as I saw Alice taking care of the baby with the help of some older kids. They had laid out a blanket on the grass and were busy rocking the baby gently, while other children ran around them, playing tag.
The three of us exchanged glances before making our way up the steps and inside. We quietly headed back down to the secret room, determined to learn more about the black journal and the mysterious archetypes.
We sat on the dusty floor, huddled close as we flipped through the journal’s pages. Leo pointed out passages that seemed to hint at strange powers and hidden secrets. We scribbled down notes, our minds racing with questions and possibilities.
Suddenly, a scream shattered the silence, echoing down the hall.
We shot to our feet, exchanging frightened glances. “What was that?” I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest.
“It’s coming from the common room,” Cass said, already halfway up the stairs.
Leo and I followed close behind as we rushed into the main hall. The common room was packed with children, their faces pale with fear.
“What’s wrong?” Cass called out.
One of the older kids stepped forward, his voice trembling. “We saw something outside—it looked like a lion, just walking around the yard.”
A murmur of panic rippled through the room as kids huddled together. The older kids quickly locked the doors and secured the windows, determined to keep everyone safe.
Alice held the baby close, her eyes scanning the room nervously. I looked around at the frightened faces and felt a pang of worry in my chest. What if the lion wandered back to the yard? How would we keep it out?
Cass tried to calm everyone down, but I could see the fear in her eyes too. We all huddled close, listening to the silence outside, hoping that the animal would stay far, far away from Hope’s End.
The common room was filled with hushed whispers and nervous glances. We tried to listen for any sounds outside, but the silence was so deep that every creak of the floor or rustle of the wind made us jump.
Cass stood at the center of the room, her arms outstretched to quiet the crowd. “We need to stay calm. Older kids, make sure the younger ones feel safe and keep all the doors and windows locked.
Let’s stay together until we know it’s safe.”
We did our best to follow her instructions, but fear was etched on everyone’s faces. Leo stayed close to me, scanning the room for any signs of movement. “Do you think it could have been the lion from the zoo?” he whispered.
“Maybe,” I said, holding his hand tightly. “But we can’t know for sure.”
A small, shaky voice piped up from the back of the room. “What if it gets in here?”
Cass took a deep breath. “We’ve secured all the doors, and we’ll keep an eye on every corner. We’ll be alright as long as we stay together.”
Alice held the baby close, trying to keep him quiet. I could see the worry in her eyes as she glanced from face to face.
We spent the next hour watching and waiting, hoping that the lion would move on. Every so often, one of the older kids would peek out a window, checking for any sign of movement in the yard. But it stayed eerily quiet, and we began to wonder if the lion had ever been there in the first place.
Leo looked up at me, his voice barely a whisper. “What should we do now?”

The Great Reset - Chapter 04